Friday June 5, 2020 our state will graduate up to Phase 2 of re-opening bringing with it quite a few changes for many of our area businesses and venues.
At this time, we only have a vague outline of what will be allowable under Phase 2 as the Governor will not release the actual proclamation outlining specifics until Thursday, June 4th.
Under the second phase, businesses like restaurants, retailers and other businesses that have been operating at 25% capacity for the past two weeks can up their capacity to 50%.
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The second phase also allows pool halls, bowling alleys, tattoo parlors, recreational pools and spas to reopen with additional restrictions.
Skating Centers and outdoor playgrounds/play-centers can be included under Phase 2. Amusement parks, water parks, contact sports, indoor play centers/playgrounds and sleep-away camps are among the businesses that are to remain closed specifically. No indoor concerts of any type and concerts and music halls will remain closed during this phase.
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Businesses will also be encouraged to perform temperature checks on customers, and a requirement that public-facing employees wear masks will still be in effect.
New Orleans will not follow suit and enter phase two. City officials said the city will likely loosen some of the restrictions it didn't loosen under Phase 1 (ie Road-trippers to NOLA please keep this in mind!)
Please be mindful that businesses also do not have any more information than we do other than generalities and will be working with the State to see if/when and how exactly they can re-open safely in compliance.
Anticipate changes to operating procedures for all of our favorite places and try to be understanding and mindful as they work to implement the necessary changes enabling them to open.
Some of the changes we can expect are reduced occupancy that will have to be managed by establishments and the actual guidelines will vary from business to business.
We are ALL excited to get back up and out in our community, but must do our part to help our businesses re-open and this will bring growing pains for all.
Another point to remember is that just because Phase 2 allows for a business type to re-open, this does not mean necessarily that a business WILL be re-opening immediately as many must adhere to their corporate decisions for all stores which may mean that a fave venue or business may not re-open just yet.
There literally isn't anything a local entity can do until given the go-ahead from their home office/corporate, so please be understanding.
I will do my best to stay on top of the changes and publish any specifics that involve major changes so that you can plan accordingly for outings as we move into Phase 2.
Watch the website and our online calendar as well as our Facebook pages for updates!
See you out & about SOON!